There are a number of different print processes as detailed below, we select the process most suited to your specific requirements.

White Garments with digital quality full colour images

Printed Area up to A3 size- the colour print 'floats' on the white fabric, ideal for personalising clothing, bedding, or bags with digital images such as photographs

This is ideal for low quantities, such as full colour sponsor logo on a football shirt. For larger quantities we suggest screen printing if the garment allows.

Full Colour Images on Coloured Garments

Printed Area up to A3 applied as a solid 'patch' – which can be square, round or contoured to your design. Ideally for digital images such as photo’s or multi colour logo’s with a solid colour background.

Solid Colour Text, Shapes and simple Logos

Vinyl print technology for a fantastic look & smooth feel, or flock print for a felt feel. This is ideal for garments that have a lot of stretch and need the logo to move with the fabric, such as sportswear.

Ideal for any sized print area but design must be fairly simple and without very fine detail

Photo Gifts

Calendars, Mugs, Mousemats, Badges, Towels, Pillow cases, cushion covers, Giant enlargements, Photo fliers. Photo Badges are great for birthdays, hen nights, or a laugh!

Artwork Preparation

Our prefered format for most work is .ai file, this is the originally created artwork and having this will lower any set-up charges.

We can work from a range of files including .jpeg, photoshop and word, however artwork fees may apply.

File size/resolution is important, and you should be aware that small images obtained from the internet can look disappointing when scaled up to a large printable area, please get permission for the image license holder, bear in mind that most internet images are subject to copyright.

Designs for cut vinyl printing need to be vectorized either by tracing from a .jpeg or better still by supplying as a .ai file or .eps without any guidelines etc.

Specific fonts may need to be supplied to match your corporate identity.

PLEASE NOTE - we cannot guarantee pantone matching, - although we are usually very close, - please arrange for a sample if this is critical to you.


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